
Building the Tradition

Debate news stories
The UT Dallas Debate Team was established in the fall 1996, when it won the “Brady Lee Garrison Newcomer Sweepstake Award.” Since then, the team has built a tradition of success. With late elimination round appearances at all major tournaments, including the quarterfinals at the 2010 National Debate Tournament and Cross Examinational Debate Association (CEDA) competitions, our team gets plenty of high-level exposure in the debate community. Until he graduated, we were also the home of Brian Rubaie, CEDA’s 2010 National Debater of the Year.

UT Dallas supports its debaters through scholarships and travel opportunities, and much more. If you’re interested in joining our team or just learning more about collegiate debate, we want to hear from you. Explore the growing tradition of UT Dallas Debate. Please also follow us on Twitter at @UTDDebate.

Coaches Eric Robinson and Phil Samuels coordinating last minute research before the NDT Double-Octafinals.
Four generations of UTD debaters pause for a picture at the 2015 National Debate Tournament at the University of Iowa.
Debater Anthony Ogbuli, Debate Director Scott Herndon and alumni Brian Rubaie take a moment for a selfie at the 2015, NDT.

UTD Debate traveled to University of Nevada, Las Vegas October 17-20, 2014 with excellent results for the team of Demarcus Powell and Daniel Becker, competing in the Junior Varsity division.

One of the trophy cabinets housing Debate awards.

(L-R) Director of Debate, Scott Herndon, Team Member Anthony Ogbuli, Team Member Jacob Loehr and Debate Coach Phil Samuels.

Jacob Loehr and Anthony Ogbuli show-off some hardware from the Texas Two-Step.

Ogbuli speaks while partner Jacob flows in an elim debate of the Two-Step at UT-Dallas.

Kyle Ballard and Thomas Flanagan after winning a debate in the CEDA National Tournament.

Anthony Ogbuli relaxes for a moment before giving his 1AR.

Jacob Loehr and Assistant Coach Eric Robinson chatting before a debate.

Jacob’s ‘Game Face’ as he begins his 2AC.

Anthony hams it up as Jacob answers questions during cross examination.

Coaches Eric Robinson and Phil Samuels coordinating last minute research before the NDT Double-Octafinals.

Four generations of UTD debaters pause for a picture at the 2015 National Debate Tournament at the University of Iowa.

Debater Anthony Ogbuli, Debate Director Scott Herndon and alumni Brian Rubaie take a moment for a selfie at the 2015, NDT.

UTD debate relaxing in Las Vegas before a tournament.